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Let's Talk! Media LLC.

I am here to talk about all of your needs! 

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This is the Let's Talk! Media LLC. Landing Page! 
Updates for all sources on clients on how their business is going is located at the very bottom of the page! 
Hope you enjoyed your visit and I hope to be doing business with you soon! 




What I have to offer! 

Mission Statement:


I am here to talk about all of your needs!

Hello there! My name is Coburn C. Capshaw.

I am the Brand and LLC. owner of Let’s Talk! Media LLC.

I am a Business Development Manager, and my goal is to help you grow your business through Social Media Marketing and Advertising.

I am an honest businessman who just wants to see good in the world and help out other businesses strive to their highest potential.

I run an honest business that I know will benefit the both of us!




These are the means/resources I am going to use to

advertise and market for businesses:

1. Facebook posts.


2. Instagram posts.


3. YouTube posts.


4. Interviews/Video/Audio Podcasts.


5. Advertising and marketing on my sources/links as well.


6. My intention is to bring in more revenue and clients/customers for businesses who use me and my methods to bring them more recognition.


7. Business exploration.


What this means is, I will go to any entity that I see fit to have my company do business with and conduct business with said entity.


8. Uploaded interviews with me for your business.


9. Social media marketing and branding through interviews/talking.


10. Brand recognition through talking.


11. Video advertising and marketing.


12. Product video advertising.


13. Branding commercials for brand recognition.


14. Advertising and marketing through brand picture taking.


15. Testimonial interviews with customers or clients talking about your business and what you do for business.


16. Business to business related videos

What this means is:


1. I will talk to you on camera about your business and what you do for business and how you help out the Saint Louis area, what your cause is, etc.


2. We will talk about your successes and what you have done to achieve your success.


3. I will even make videos giving a shout-out to all of the people that are buying your products/that are in business with you/I can talk about people that you do business with to get them more recognition as well.


4. I will pass out business cards for you.


5. I will do anything I can do for your business through social media and interviews, etc.


My Credentials:

1. Three plus years of training under my Mentor and Investor, Alexander Petrou.


2. I was trained in Marketing/Social Media Marketing and Advertising for those three plus years.

I worked my way up until I earned the Title of, Business Development Manager.


3. I have a certificate in Journalism from online courses through Michigan State University.


4. I post my own weekly advice and work out videos so you know you can rely on me to post a lot for your business!

With Maggie Mack _-)
#floridakeys #mom #wedding.jpg

Target Audience: 

-As a Business Development Manager, the main businesses I am going to go for is, businesses that need help with developing areas that are making them struggle with bringing in customer’s, revenue, etc.



-Let’s say that your business or you putting your name out there is not taking off, what I will do is tell the audience everything that you have to offer, what your benefits are, and why they should do business with you, what your prices are, etc.


-Each week I will check back with you to go over updates. We can talk on the phone, we can text, or we can do interviews and talk about what you want me to advertise for you and you will sponsor my videos as well.


-My developmental skills go beyond what you’re reading right now, but this is just a good example of what I can offer.





When it comes to my pricing, it really comes down to how much you buy in each package.


For example:


I have a few ways that I charge my clients:


1. $30


-30 to 60 second update on your current business ventures.

-Ideal for those who have a small business. 

-Ideal for those who want to market themselves. 


2. $50:

-One on one interview. 


-Three to five minute update on your current business ventures.  


3. $100:

-Eight to ten minute interview. 

-One month posting on all of my sources. 

-Top priority for business to business interactions. 

Just so you know: 

-The more you buy from me, no matter what package deal you do, the more I will conduct business with you, this is not to say I will favor one business over the other, but the more they buy, whichever package it is, they will get the better deal coming from my end! 


-I am a Business Development Manager.


-My intent is to bring you more business through the means of using my sources!


-The best part is, what you read is what you get, I am trying to run an honest and fun business, don’t believe me?


-Try me out!

Thanks for submitting!

I can't wait to hear from you!

Coburn C. Capshaw

Founder, CEO, Business Owner of 


Let's Talk! Media LLC. 

© Copyright Coburn C. Capshaw



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